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Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I put £6 worth of petrol in the tank (yes, a gallon!) and connected a Battery Booster. Ignition on, starter pressed, VROOOOM!!!! Nice one.

SNAGGING LIST : (bet you misread that)

  1. Petcock leaking.
  2. Carbs need balancing.
  3. Exhaust blowing slightly.
  4. Clutch plates stuck!
That last one's a bugger! While I had the right hand engine cover off, I should have checked the clutch operation but didn't think to. I've tried rocking the bike backwards and forwards in gear but it ain't working. Dammit! I'll have to drop the oil and buy another cover gasket. Grrrr! 

Other than that, I'm really happy with everything. The engine sounds lovely and quiet and the bike looks great.

Pushed the bike down the street, built up a little pace and knocked it into gear. Sticking clutch plates no longer sticking! Also cured leaking petcock by inserting the sealing-washer which was sat on my workbench, D'oh! Another problem has reared it's ugly head though - at tickover and low-revs, it's all sweetness and light, but at higher revs the engine splutters and dies until it drops back into the low rev-range. There's a STRONG smell of rich fuel mixture, so I'm thinking that the carbs are going to have to come off to see what's going on.  

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Bike Details

Honda CB250N Superdream
Reg No : ORH746W (ORH 746 W)
Reg Date : 1980
Orig Colour : Blue
New Colour : Black
Current Owner : Tom McQuiggan
Current Location : Horwich, Bolton, UK.