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Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Sorry about the lack of action around here! I had every intention of spending the whole Easter Period putting the bike back together, but I was hit with a heavy case of Gastroenteritis which kept me in bed (and on the loo) for 3 days. To add insult to the injury of being ill during a holiday period, the weather had been superb too! Ah well. Now that the sun's still shining when I get home from work, I'll maybe get some rebuilding done during the week.


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better.


Ian Pike

Tom McQuiggan said...

Hi Ian,
I'm feeling much better now thanks.

In response to your EMAIL regarding your sheared off cylinder head bolt, that's very bad news indeed! I HATE it when that happens!! The stupid design of the engine means that part of the long cylinder-head bolt is exposed to weather and that's why it seizes in. The reliability of the engine makes the problem worse because the bolts could be untouched for years and years!

You could try drilling it out yourself, but I'd strongly recommend that you just take the engine to a local engineering company and pass the job onto them to get it out and re-thread it. Before you do though, make sure the other bolts are free.

That engine-mounting bolt should be less of a problem - I had the same trouble with two of mine. I simply gave it a few SHARP cracks with a hammer and then used a long wrench to break the grip. One bolt came loose and the other one sheared off. I then used a drift to knock the bolt through the hole. Took bloody ages but I got there in the end.


Tom McQ

IanPike said...

Hi Tom

Have found someone who will extract the broken stud for me. Will let you know how it goes.


Ian Pike

IanPike said...

Got the block bsck today, the guy made a great job.

He extracted the broken bolt and put a helicoil in and also managed to get out the ceased front mounting bolt.

And to top it all he only charged me 45 quid.

How are you getting along with your bike now?



Tom McQuiggan said...

That's great news Ian. Errrr, I've done bugger-all with my bike. Been a way for a short break with the wife and grandson. Excuses, excuses! LOL

The Old Nail said...

We want action! We want action! :-)

Tom McQuiggan said...

Going to John O' Groats this weekend, but I'll try to make a start next week :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom you walking to John O' Groats????

Tom McQuiggan said...

Walking?? Did you say walking??? LOL. Went on a Honda CB400 and had a brilliant time! Perfect roads, perfect weather. Went with two mates (they had the usual 600 sportsbikes) and managed to keep in front of them most of the time.

Bike Details

Honda CB250N Superdream
Reg No : ORH746W (ORH 746 W)
Reg Date : 1980
Orig Colour : Blue
New Colour : Black
Current Owner : Tom McQuiggan
Current Location : Horwich, Bolton, UK.