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Sunday, May 22, 2011


Couldn't undo the rotor-bolt because I couldn't stop the crank turning. Tried it in gear with someone sat on it with back brake on, but still no luck. I was thinking of fabricating a holding bracket from mild steel flatbar or put the drivechain through some steel tubing, but thought I'd give this a go first. There is, of course, a special "Rotor Holding Tool" but I don't have one.

Anyway, I put a small patch of rubber on each contact point of a household G-Clamp and it worked first time!! All I have to do now is find a damned rotor-puller. 20mm thread I think. Anyone got one??

Just found an old 20mm oil-filter bolt (from the CB250 itself) and used that as a rotor puller. Worked a treat! I like finding things around the garage that can be made to do the job of an expensive "Special Tool" like the £36   "07733-002-0001"  from David Silver.

Just for the search engines...
How do i remove the rotor from my Honda CB250N Superdream? Honda Part No : 07733-002-0001 CB250N Superdream "Rotor Puller Tool" can be replaced with a cheap oil-filter bolt from a CB250N Superdream. 


Fishbait said...

Nice bit of Macgyver Tom.

Klaas De Craemer said...

MadDogMcQ, sorry to ask again, but I think my previous post went unnoticed:
What exhausts have you put on your cb250? Are they original?
I bought replicas at some time ago (probably the same as offered on davidsilverspares) but my local mechanic has doubts concerning the internal pattern (being too restrictive).

Tom McQuiggan said...

Sorry mate - didn't notice a post about exhausts. The silencers are original Honda parts found on eBay. I would have been quite happy to use the Wemoto pattern parts though. I think your mechanic is OVERLY concerned about them.

Unknown said...

Wow, original exhausts, I'd kill for that! (not literally ofc). I also bought the collector box and downpipes from wemoto but had to return the pipes because they wouldn't fit. So I'm a bit wary of non-Honda parts.

Anyway, good luck with the rotor reassembly!

Ian said...

Good news indeed :)
... and I was just about to mail you and ask how you were doing. Heres hoping you get sorted sooner than later

local mechanic said...

I am also looking for a local mechanic to install spark plugs in my vehicles. I have surfed a lot for a local mechanic but didn't found the required results. Please do share some experienced local mechanic for me.

Bike Details

Honda CB250N Superdream
Reg No : ORH746W (ORH 746 W)
Reg Date : 1980
Orig Colour : Blue
New Colour : Black
Current Owner : Tom McQuiggan
Current Location : Horwich, Bolton, UK.