Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well, despite the beautiful weather and the temptation to go out on the CB450 for a ride, I pushed my self to spend a whole day in the garage working on the 250N. To be honest, it feels like I achieved very little considering the hours spent in there, but that's how these things go isn't it?

I spent my time preparing the back wheel to be fitted. Considering that I've had the wheel on previously to roll the bike around, it felt like I was repeating myself, but of course I'd never spent anytime refurbishing any components on the wheel and was surprised at how much I had to do. Polishing the alloys was not a problem - they're in good nick and that little job was finished in no time at all. But the brake cam was seized solid and it took a long time to get the bugger loose! Once it was out though, it was all very straightforward - just a case of cleaning everything up and lubricating it all ready to go back in the drum.

The brake plate (pictured above) was painted with a few coats of Smooth Silver after having applied a light coat of Etch Primer. The piece was then "baked" in the oven at low temperature for 20 minutes (much to the delight of my wife). I'm guessing our next oven-cooked meal will have a nice Hammerite odour, LOL. I gave the sprocket-guard the same treatment...

I could hide my cockups from you, but it's best to allow others to benefit from one's stupidity I guess... after fitting the rear brake lever and the torque arm, I installed the wheel. Then I tried to fit the operating rod to the brake lever but had absolutely no chance of getting the clevis-pin through the hole because the right hanger was in the way, so I had to remove it, grrrrrrr. Ah well, you live and learn. Everything's fitted apart from the chain-tensioner adjustment bolts. I can't find them! This project has dragged on now for 18 months and all the bits in the garage have been moved about and kicked around I don't know how many times! No wonder I can't find the things I thought I'd marked so well, LOL.

That's it for now. Hopefully, it won't be too long before the next installment!

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